Coup Part Two - Responding to the Comparison to BLM
No, these protesters weren't the worst ever. But they were pretty stupid.
No, these protesters weren't the worst ever. But they were pretty stupid.
A better, simple way to vote - a way that makes your vote matter, no matter what.
Trying to understand the difference between a decent undocumented immigrant and a politically inactive American - and who the real enemy is.
I don't care about some other bad thing someone did. Stop moving the goalposts and stand for something.
I have a few long form essays in draft, but for now, let's just knock out some baseline stuff.
18th century "Assembly" meets 21st century messaging.
It's not Socialism.
Talk about where our country is, and where you want it to be. Ask the right questions in the right order.
Where do the limits of free speech lie when businesses host other peoples' content on the Web?